Mikayla Miller A 16-Year-Old Black Gay Teen Found Hung From A Tree  #JusticeforMikayla

Mikayla Miller A 16-Year-Old Black Gay Teen Found Hung From A Tree #JusticeforMikayla

Mikayla Miller a 16-year-old queer Black female was found hung from a tree after being jumped by a group of teens. Allegedly one of the girls she had a relationship with. Authorities said that it was a suicide, but her mother doesn’t think so.

Source: Facebook

In the evening of April 17 the 16-year-old had 5 teens come to jump Mikayla at her apartment complex in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Two of which were over 18 years of age. Mikayla was physically harmed by 2 of them, one was a boy and the other a girl, both white teens.

The fight got so out of hand that Mikayla’s mother, Calvina Strothers called the police to report the incident. Mikayla’s mother said she had bruises on her lip and face. But before the police came the teenagers had left. Police officers said they would investigate the matter.

The night of the confrontation, when Mikayla’s mother went to sleep Mikayla left the house. According to the police she walked for only about a mile. The next morning on April 18 a jogger spotted Mikayla hanging from a tree with a black belt around her neck around 7 in the morning.

The Hopkinton police called it a “suicide”. Her mother doesn’t believe she would have committed suicide and have requested the FBI to take over the case to have an independent investigation of her tragic death. Moreover, she said a week after Mikayla’s death she went to get a police report and there was no report made or report about finding Mikayla’s body. Is this a cover-up?

She said the District Attorney Marian T. Ryan contacted her 12 days after Mikayla’s death. She also said that the officers investigating Mikayla’s death harassed and interrogated her neighbors. Strothers is also seeking a forensics investigation on the belt that was used to lynch her daughter.

Mikayla’s mother said she was bright, funny, loving, caring and loved playing basketball. She said Mikayla wanted to be a journalist and attend an HBCU, but that will never happen. #JusticeforMikayla

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